Prof. J.K

Pr. Joseph KAMGNO

Head of Department of Public Health Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University of Yaounde I
CEO of the Higher Institute for Scientific and Medical Research (ISM)

2022: Knight of the Order of Valor on an exceptional basis awarded by the Head of State of Cameroon.

2022: Winner of the Grand Prize for Excellence for Research and Scientific Innovation.

2022: Winner of the Christophe Mérieux Prize 

2022: Vice-President of this National Committee for the Elimination of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis of Cameroon ;

2021: Elected into the AFRICAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ;

2014: Associate Lecturer Diploma. CAMS ;

Since 2005 : Director Center for Research on Filariasis and other Tropical Diseases (CRFilMT) now ISM ;

Since 2003 : Technical Advisor National Onchocerciasis Control Program.

Dr. Hugues Nana

Dr. Hugues C. Nana Djeunga

Molecular Parasitology and Genetic Epidemiology PhD
Lab Coordinator of the Higher Institute for Scientific and Medical Research (ISM)

2022: One of the judges American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Young Investigator Awards Committee, for three years ;

2021:  To the 4 Camerounians all from University of YAOUNDE I elected into the AFRICAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ;

2020: First prize at the NTD Innovation Prize sponsored by the American Leprosy Missions and Novartis for the development of an innovative diagnostic tool for onchocerciasis based on cell-free DNA in Saliva and urines ;

2019: Winter Institute of Statistical Genetics Travel Grant, New York University in Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ;

2018: First Workshop on Parasitic Nematodes Travel Grant, New York University in Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ;

  • Membre de l’Equipe Editoriale de l’American Journal of Clinical Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Global Journal of infectious diseases and Clinical Research;
  • Consultant Temporaire pour Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et le Programme Africain de Lutte contre l’Onchocercose (APOC)
  • Reviewer pour les journaux Infectious Diseases and Poverty, BMJ Open, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, SciMedCentral, Tropical Medicine and Health, Journal of Medical Chemistry, HINDAWI, Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health, Jacobs Journal of Clinical Case Reports.
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Linda Djune Yemeli

Ph.D. Student (Biochemistry) University of Yaoundé 1(UY1)

November 2022: winner of the best student presentation price  at the AfriBOP training

October 2022: Co-grantee of USAID trough the Neglected Tropical Disease Support Center (NTD-SC) (Project Title: Evaluation of the performance of the SD BIOSENSOR STANDARD™ Q Filariasis Ag Test for the diagnosis of Lymphatic Filariasis

July 2022: Awardee of the ASTMH travel grant

May 2022: Awardee of the Hydra conference on Helminth biology travel grant

April 2022: Winner of the BWF Virtual Poster Award at the at the Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting

Since January 2022: Member of the Editorial Board of the Pan African Medical Journal.

September 2021: Awardees of the 2021 RSTMH Small grant project (Project Title: Perception of COVID-19, acceptability of its prevention/control measures and their impact on health system: a nationwide cross-sectional survey in Cameroon).

Since June 2021: Ambassador of Immunopaedia (

Since Jan 2021: Co-grantee of the Washington University African Initiative Pilot Grant. Project Title: Phenotypic diversity of serologic responses to Onchocerca volvulus in Cameroon).

November 2019: awardees of the Travel grant of the International Congress of Immunology (IUIS-FAIS-IMMUNO-ETHIOPIA 2020).

Dec-2018-Present: Member of the Central Africa Network on Tuberculosis HIV-Aids, Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (CANTAM). 

  • Ambassador of Immunopaedia
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André Domché

Medical Entomologist Ph.D. Student (Parasitology) University of Yaoundé 1 (UY1)

2021: Winner of ASTMH travel grant.

2019: Awarded second price for best posters’ presentation in International Conference on NTDs

2018: Winner of the “Neglected Tropical Diseases” project scholarship funded by the German Development Bank (KFW) and coordinated by OCCEAC


Arnauld Efon Ekangouo

Medical Entomologist Ph.D. Student (Biochemistry) University of Yaoundé 1(UY1)

2022: Co-Awardee of the African Researchers’ Small Grants Program (SGP V) funded by USAID and COR-NTD through the African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ARNTD) ;

2020: First prize at the NTD Innovation Prize sponsored by the American Leprosy Missions and Novartis for the development of an innovative diagnostic tool for onchocerciasis based on cell-free DNA in Saliva and urines ;

2020: French government scholarship for scientific exchange hosted by the French Institute for development (IRD) and Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), Montpelier, FRANCE ;

2020: Awardee of the African Researchers’ Small Grants Program (SGP III) funded by USAID and COR-NTD through the African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ARNTD) ;

2019: Travel Grant, Workshop on bioinformatic of helminths at the University of Accra (GHANA), organized by the Welcome genome campus (UNITED KINGDOM).

  • Member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)
photo Guy Wafeu


Medical Doctor, Epidemiologist and Researcher
Head of clinical trial center, Higher Institute for Scientific and Medical Research (ISM)

Since 2019: Head of clinical unit, Higher Institute for Scientific and Medical Research (ISM) ;

Since 2019: Research Assistant, Higher Institute for Scientific and Medical Research (ISM) ;

Since 2015: Coordinator of a group of medical doctor mentoring final year medical students for their thesis, Yaoundé, Cameroon ;

2015- 2016:  Physician at SOSAC Clinics, Yaoundé, Cameroon.

  • Member, Cameroon Medical Council ;
  • Reviewer, Panafrican medical journal.

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