Pr. Joseph KAMGNO
Head of Department of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University of Yaounde I
CEO of the Higher Institute for Scientific and Medical Research (ISM)
2022: Knight of the Order of Valor on an exceptional basis awarded by the Head of State of Cameroon.
2022: Winner of the Grand Prize for Excellence for Research and Scientific Innovation.
2022: Winner of the Christophe Mérieux Prize
2022: Vice-President of this National Committee for the Elimination of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis of Cameroon ;
2021: Elected into the AFRICAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ;
2014: Associate Lecturer Diploma. CAMS ;
Since 2005 : Director Center for Research on Filariasis and other Tropical Diseases (CRFilMT) now ISM ;
Since 2003 : Technical Advisor National Onchocerciasis Control Program.