Linda Djune Yemeli
Ph.D. Student (Biochemistry) University of Yaoundé 1(UY1)
Supervisor: Linda Djune Y.
The Immunobiology Platform of the ISM Lab is a newly created platform still under development. Our mission is to use immunobiology as tool to fight against infectious diseases by Identifying and validating immunological markers of infectious diseases and by contributing to the understanding of Immunity and Pathogenesis of infectious diseases
The platform is equipped of bench centrifuges, a 96-wells ELISA plate reader, a plate washer, numerous multichannel pipettes, and ordinary pipettes, working spaces (bench and sink), spaces for reagent storage (under the beach) and a refrigerator. The platform composed of 06 qualified and well-trained staffs and a supervisor responsible of the overall functioning of the platform. The platform is involved in clinical immunodiagnostic activities as well as research activities. In addition, the platform is certified as reference laboratories in NTDs diagnostic, supporting many control programs in Africa.
In addition, it is equipped of a temperature control system, an archiving system, and a security system. The main activities currently done in this platform are lateral flow immuno- assay (LFIA, for lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, malaria, COVID-19, …), PBMCs isolation (using ficoll tubes), plasma/serum, buffer coat separation and conservation.
We are also performing ELISA for numerous diseases (both using commercially available kits and in-house methods). For the coming months staff will be trained on immuno- phenotyping, and basic proteomic analyses.